
Ivanka Trump becomes a thirsty AF meme when faced with Justin Trudeau

Ivanka Trump and real life Disney characterCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be from different sides of the aisle, but the pure thirst the former is displaying for the latter is strong as hell. At least, according to the jokesters online.

While haters will say the images captured during Trudeau's Monday meeting with Donald Trump and co. in Washington display only platonic interest and nothing more, known body language experts -- Twitter -- know what's really up.

Forbidden desire, that's what.

SEE ALSO:Shirtless Justin Trudeau resurfaces from the wild to photobomb a beach wedding

Just look at this "I am definitely listening to what you're saying" amorous expression.

"Hmm interesting point you make that I am, again, definitely listening to. Hmm."

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Memories. Like the corners of my mind. 🎶

Find you a girl who looks at you the way Ivanka Trump looks like she's looking at Justin Trudeau.

Photos of other famous women, allegedly also besotted with Trudeau's diplomatic charm, began to emerge.

One Twitter user (thank you, Ira) began assigning movie and song references to the thirsty-ass pictures.

Happy day-after-Valentine's-Day Twitter, you incorrigible savants.

And in conclusion:

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