
Marvel will punish 'X

An Indonesian artist for Marvel snuck in several political and religious references into a recent X-Men Goldissue -- and people noticed.

Ardian Syaf, who had previously worked on Batgirland Superman/Batman titles for DC Comics, had put in references to an ongoing political conflict in Indonesia.

SEE ALSO:Muslim Indonesians tweet support for beleaguered Christian politician Ahok

The references, which appeared in the first issue of X-Men Goldreleased last week, were quickly spotted by Indonesian readers. Many voiced their anger against Syaf.

In one of the comic panels, the numbers "212" are seen above a building. In another, the phrase "QS 5:51" is printed on Colossus' shirt.

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Syaf had previously posted the "212" comic panel on his Facebook page -- which has since been deleted.

The numbers relate to the current ongoing protests against Jakarta's Christian Chinese governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, commonly referred to as Ahok.

Ahok is on trial after being accused of insulting the Quran in a September speech -- a charge he denies.

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A mass rally was held against Ahok last year on Dec 2, or "212", after that speech.

Mashable ImageThousands gathered in protest of AhokCredit: AP/REX/Shutterstock

The phrase "5:51" is in reference to a verse in the Quran used by some Indonesians to state that non-Muslims should not be put politically in charge.

Syaf briefly posted an apology on his Facebook page, in which he stated that he was "not anti-Jew or Christian."

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This was later deleted from his page, but not before it was captured by netizens.

In a statement to Mashable, Marvel acknowledged that the artwork was inserted but said it was "without knowledge behind its reported meanings."

The comic company also said that the artwork would be "removed from subsequent printings, digital versions and trade paperbacks", adding that "disciplinary action" was being taken.

Mashable has reached out to Syaf for comment.

UPDATE: April 11, 2017, 11:08 a.m. SGT Updated with Marvel's statement

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