
Anderson Cooper throws Kellyanne Conway a brutal eye roll

Rolling eyes is a fine art, which CNN's Anderson Cooper has mastered.

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, emerged from the shadows to do a little bit of damage control on Anderson Cooper 360on Tuesday. News broke that Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, and what do you know, Kellyanne Conway was available for a TV appearance.

SEE ALSO:Even Edward Snowden thinks Trump firing James Comey was messed up

The White House fired Comey for how he handled the reopening of an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, something that Trump himself praised on the campaign trail. Yes, this is real life.

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After playing Conway a bunch of clips of Trump praising Comey on the campaign trail, Cooper pointed out that firing him seemed like a contradictory move, and one shrouded in controversy as Comey was leading an investigation into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia.

Conway used the opportunity to pat herself on the back for her campaign maneuvering, and Cooper was having none of it, throwing back an eye roll that will be used as a reaction GIF for years to come.

Via Giphy

Naturally, Twitter loved it.

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